Erica Schultz: Comic Book Writer

Meet Erica Schultz. She’s a Ringo Award-nominated comic book writer, illustrator, and letterer. She’s also an instructor at The Kubert School. You can follow her on Twitter. What does being a geek mean to you? To be honest, I don’t really know what life would be like if I wasn’t a geek about something. That said, being a geek to me means just being myself. I think the term “geek” can be applied to any type of fandom from comics to sports to mountain climbing. It gets disparaging when you have

Los Angeles Comic Con Spotlight: Illustrator and Fine Artist Chandler Ford —

Comic conventions all over the world feature designated areas, usually named “Artist Alley”, where different artists come to sell and showcase their work to millions of people who attend the conventions. This year, we attended Los Angeles Comic Con and got to see many different artists who showed their incredible work off. One artist who stood out from the rest is Chandler Ford.

Hayley and Alyce Adams: Producing And Screenwriting Twin Sisters

Meet Hayley and Alyce Adams, twin sisters with obsessions that we can all relate too. They’ve created a sketch comedy show called i can’t even, which is about self-proclaimed pop culture nerds. I got to interview them and learned even more about this wonderful duo. What does being a geek mean to you both? Alyce: Alright, so we’re just diving straight into the hard questions. I think we would both say it’s a part of our identity. It’s having access to a community that loves to be excited abou

Katie Shanahan: Cartoonist and Story Artist

Meet Katie Shanahan! She’s an incredible cartoonist and story artist. She’s done a lot of work and continues to make wonderful works of art! She’s done storyboarding as well! I got to interview her and learn a lot about her. We talked about her work and her inspirations, we also talked about her imagination and if it’s what makes her so creative. Read the interview below and don’t forget to follow her on Twitter and check out her website

Lorraine Cink: From Marvel's The Watcher

Meet Lorraine Cink! She’s an awesome geeky girl who has quite a MARVELous personality! She’s another strong geeky girl who isn’t afraid to show the world what she loves! She also works for Marvel, doing the Marvel’s The Watcher web show, and has weekly shows at Peoples Improv Theater and Magnet Theater in NYC. Check out my interview with her below and find out some fantastic things about her! Don’t forget to follow her on Twitter.

Catrina Dennis: Channel Manager of MoviePilot's Superheroes Channel

Meet Catrina Dennis! She’s a cool geeky girl who loves comics and has done a lot in the social media world, and she currently has quite an awesome gig managing the superheroes channel over at MoviePilot. I learned a lot from her and she’s yet another example of someone who has taken her geeky love of things and embraced it! We should all always embrace our love for things! Check out the interview below and don’t forget to follow her on Twitter.

Victoria McNally: Writer at The Mary Sue

Meet Victoria McNally! She’s an incredible geeky girl who loves Sailor Moon!! Who doesn’t love Sailor Moon? She’s also a writer at The Mary Sue and has one heck of a resume filled with awesome writing gigs. She’s also a huge Game of Thrones fanatic and I learned so much from her with this interview. I asked her a few fun questions along with questions about some of the work she does and what we can look forward to in the future or currently from her.
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